I told myself I would post a photo before I went to work today, and this is the happy winner. It's a couple of years old now, but it just makes me smile.
A fave from the same day.

The New York State Fair is definitely enthralling. That's for sure. However, whether you are enthralled out of sheer delight or horror is a very individual decision. I personally find it as horrible as I find it wonderful, and it's the marriage of these two down to almost unimaginable perfection that I now find has become an entity of it's own -- and one that I quite enjoy, thus making the horrendous aspects part of the pleasure. If you have been to The Great Fair, you will know instantly if you are like-minded. For some it's an event one loves to hate, for some it's an event one hates to love (but secretly, and shamefully does)... and then there are people like me - who combine the both with hilarious and never regretful results. Of course, there are those who just hate it, and those who just love it, but this is all becoming too complicated, and I try not to think of those people that don't find anything odd at all about the Fair. They scare me.
One thing about the Fair is conclusively beyond debate ... it is a magical fairyland of photo opportunities. You could easily attend every day, (of it's run of 12 often sweltering, humid late summer days), and never come close to running out of new material. Dan and I wanted to get to Syracuse for it last year, but weren't able to make it. Hopefully we'll get there at some point in the coming years to take it all in. I'd like to hear an Englishman's impression of this amazing spectacle. Even more, I'd love to hear Dan's.
One thing about the Fair is conclusively beyond debate ... it is a magical fairyland of photo opportunities. You could easily attend every day, (of it's run of 12 often sweltering, humid late summer days), and never come close to running out of new material. Dan and I wanted to get to Syracuse for it last year, but weren't able to make it. Hopefully we'll get there at some point in the coming years to take it all in. I'd like to hear an Englishman's impression of this amazing spectacle. Even more, I'd love to hear Dan's.
hey Mary, I really like the Pigs photo..I assume that all the recent photos are yours except for the elephant one.. is that right? any others not yours? I'd just like to know...
ReplyDeleteHello MIKEY! Thanks, I like the piggies too. It's weird, I have some definite overall photo favorites from that year at the Fair, which has made me itching to go back since.
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question, ALL the photos on the main pages are mine. I decided to do that so there's no confusion.If I end up doing something otherwise I'll make it obvious (something like "THIS PHOTO IS NOT MINE" might work). Photos you get to by clicking a link are probably not mine (unless they are pulled from tiny thumbnails on the main page - which I haven't done on here yet).
Things might change a bit when we get our gallery up and running (so I could actually link to my own photos on there), but again, I'll try to make it fairly obvious. Generally, though, if you see a date and place name under the photo, I took it.
So, yes they are all mine all mine, including the elephants! :)
wow! ok, that's easy enough, and I guess the NY State Fair would be a good place to take photos..however I can't say that I've missed it too much since leaving NY to be honest..