Tuesday, August 05, 2008

In Search of the Rice Muffin II

Was VERY tempted to make no public admission of today's defeat regarding my search for the perfect 3-ton savory rice 'muffin' process, but that's not fair, now is it? Thing is, I don't think it was by any stretch a complete and utter failure. In fact, I think I'm really close. That being said, I thought it only suitable to include the photographic evidence in black and white, and not a very good photo at that. Just seemed fitting.

For today's attempt, the use of a hand blender and glutinous rice flour were added. I'm relatively convinced these are the keys to success. However, my mixture was clearly too wet, and after faking me out for a good 20 minutes or so keeping their lovely little shapes, they decided to bubble up, collapse and astoundingly stay wet in the middle as the paper thin outside layer got nice and crispy. As a panicked reaction to this I then turned off the oven, turned on the grill, and just about burned them. Why? Who knows.

Other ingredients: overcooked brown rice again, cilantro, spring onions, roasted garlic (a la microwaved damp kitchen roll), salt and pepper.

Phase II results: Still rice, potentially dense enough, no doubt yummy, discouragingly less of a finished product, but closer to the goal despite hideous appearance, wetness and mysterious bubbling action.

Blah... (and no, it's not a danish)

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