New photo OH BABY! has made it to the shop today. The one listed is a 5x5 square crop of the above, but obviously it's available in it's entirety as well. It's a favourite of my dear friend Elise, whom I owe a free print for her thoughtful and constant support of my creative endeavors. In other words, I owe her more than a print! Our friendship was born through our striving for more creativity, where work and play meet, where there is no distinction, and certainly no concrete ceiling. A valuable friend indeed. Thank you Elise! Now stop reading and go make something! Her
Etsy shop is called
Zippypops which is sadly empty at the moment, but do keep an eye on her. Multi-talented to say the least! This is Lydia, the stunningly gorgeous and quality dolly she sent me. Lydia gives me the evils when I'm procrastinating the good stuff for no good reason.
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